Thursday, May 19, 2005

Back in NYC

Back in America. It is good to be back.

Unfortunately, that was one of the more painful trans-pacific flights I have endured. I don't know if it was dodgy food, or just flu season in Sydney. But I was feeling crook the whole way from Sydney to L.A. 14 hours with an upset stomach is not very condusive to sleeping. I am terrible airplane sleeper to begin with, but business class, being exhausted in conjucntion with boredom, usually enable 5-6 hours sleep on the Sydney to LA leg. However, this time the crummy tummy kept me from enjoying any sleep. The rolls of pepto chewables and tums, with advil lead to a more comfortable flight to NYC, and I was able to catch like 2 hours sleep. The little sleep led to a fair amount of jet-lag, unfortunately.

On Saturday morning I went into a deli near my corporate apartment, which is right accross from Trinity church on the cornor of Rector and broadway, for some food. I had my heart set on a Western Omlette with home fries. Which I cannot get in Australia, they do have good omlettes there, but you have to order a "western" by each ingredient, and they end up being very hard to come by, and I've never seen home fries in oz. I walked by the drinks cooler and I saw Vitamin Water, and instantly it made me miss it, because that is definitely not available in oz, and it was one of my staple beverages here in NYC.

I'm also looking forward NYC bagels, which as everyone knows are the best in the world.

It is a little odd being back in the city, it definitely feels crowded. Vertical. The view from our office here on Wall Street overlooks NY harbour, I can see lady liberty standing in the sunset, so it may not be the opera house, but it is beautiful in its own right. The shipping boats are nowhere near as cool as Sydney ferries however.

Subway Fare is up to $2!!!!!! shocking, darn near criminal!! Or maybe I am getting old because I rememeber when it was 1.50. (actually 2 bucks is still a great bargain!)

Well, enough random babble for today.


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