Sunday, May 01, 2005

Working Week Series Race 2, Southern Highlands,

The southern highlands track was nice mostly single track course about 9km per lap.

Here are the quick results as I recorded on my heart rate monitor. I'll send links to the official results when I get them.

A place was doing photographs of the event. So if you click here you can photos of me and my teammates. Our race numbers are

Tyler 595
Grant 549
Dave 551
Rohan 550

Here are our rough timings.

Team total Time 8:27

14 laps

38:26 (Rohan)
34:26 (Dave)
34:38 (Tyler)
36:07 (Grant)
34:42 (Rohan)
36:08 (Dave)
35:26 (Tyler)
37:09 (Grant)
34:37 (Rohan)
36:57 (Dave)
35:27 (Tyler)
37:08 (Grant)
40:41 (Rohan)
36:00 (Dave)

I had a massive stack on teh first lap, thought I dislocated my shoulder. I'm not quite sure why I try to do things during the race that I have not practiced. Here's what happened, I was caning (slang for going fast) down this single track, and there was a log accross the trail. During our practice lap, I rolled over the log, and hit my cranks on the log, so it was of substantial size. We named the log "Crank eater" because all 4 of us hit our cranks on this log during the practice lap. So back to the race, I was cruising down the trail, approaching the "crank eater", and I decided to bunny hop I bunny hop, think I;m doing ok, and hit my wheel while my front wheel is still off the ground, and my tail end continues to rise in elevation. Pretty quickly I realize the inevitable, I'm going over the bars. Sure enough, I did. It was very hard impact with mother earth (she is pretty solid in case you weren't sure) part head, mostly shoulder. First thought was that I dislocated my shoulder, but my insanity kicked in, and I jumped up on my bike to finishe the lap. Trying to do and assessment of my injuries while riding. It was definietle sore!! I finished the lap, when to the first aid tent, go cleaned up. They basically said, there is no easy way to find out if there is any serious damage, and if it is not painful, I can continue to ride.

I took this to mean, if it is not too painful, so I popped 2 ibuprofen, and waited for my next lap. About 10 minutes before I headed out on my next lap, I popped 2 more. The next lap was not really comfortable, I was aware of my sholder the whole time. Just achey pain. I made it around with no more dramas, other than aches. Decided tI needed 2 more ibuprofen. Not surpsinginly, my third lap was more comfortable the then second. But by no means, pain free.

My shoulder was very sore, sunday night and most of monday. I went to gym ands swam, teh swim was pretty goot. It was mostly painnfree in the swimming motion, so I decided this means there was no serious damage, and I just knocked teh crap out of myself and soreness and discomfort are natural reactions to this. If it was painful in the pool I was going to go to the doctor, but it felt much better after teh swim. Just muscle aches. I'll give it another day or two rest and then, I'll try to get on teh bike again annd see how it feels.

However teh Southern Highlands are very pretty. Sort of remind me of parts montanta, hilly, grassy plains, forests. Most of the weekend was taken up with race related stuff, so I did not get to explore. Would like to back and explore, a lot of sleepy villages, etc. Seems like a very mellow place to hang out.

The race was fun, and I hope Team TRuDGe made it into the middle 50%, (we were 3rd from last in our category in the first race...)


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