Monday, April 18, 2005

Tri Results

well, my first wasn't too bad. I finished, which is the most important thing. I messed up my own personal "splits" tracking when compared to the official results, so I spent most of the day thinking I did very well, only to see that I did average (when compared to the entire field).

My official time was 44:12.

The official splits were
Swim: 7:18, Bike 24:09, Run: 12:46

The official distances were 400m, 8km, 4km.

What I think the distances were...
300m (maybe 320), 6km, and 3km

The swim and swim-bike transition were by far the most difficult part. I did not help myself out by going off-course and swimming probably an extra 50-60m. (so I turned a 300m swim into a 350m bugger!!)I'm not the worlds strongest swimmer, and it is by far my weakest leg, and also tires me out the most, so I did not need to make it more challenging by adding on more distance.

WHen I got out of the swim and started running towards my bike, I thought I was going to throw up, partly because of all the salt water I swallowed, and partly because I swam a good 70m further than I needed to, and much harder than I planned. (which is a round about way of saying I did not swim enough prior to the race...)

Anyway, I clocked my swim at 8:40....which was bizarre since the official results were 7:18, and I clocked my cycle at 11 :12, then a 4 minute transition befor the run, and I clocked a 13:minute run. So I figured out that all transition times were tacked on to the bike leg, and 8:40 lap time, was really my transition time, I had missed my actually swim leg.

I had clocked 11 mins actually on the bike, and I know I can do better than 2 min per KM pace, (made me wish I had a road bike, as I htink I could have dropped some more time if I wasn't on my mtn bike).
I just wish the bike had been like 15km, as I would have been able to make up for my weakness in the water.

The transition to the run wasn't bad, a little slow getting out of my biking shoes, (damn laces) which is why I guess people cycle in thier running shoes for sprints.

The run was hard, but I wasn't srue where finish line was, so I just basically kept a pace. I think I could have pushed more at the end, but I was unsure how much further I had to go. But a 3km in under 13 minutes I"m pretty happy with. 5min per KM is the bench mark I use for solid run times, if you can keep this up it works out to be a 25min 5km, which I think is solid. I"m pretty happy with my run.

All in all, with how (little) I had prepared I'm pretty happy with the results. I think I'd like to do another one, ( a little longer so that I can feel like Id id a "real" tri)...but at the same time, this was longe enough to be hard work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work T-Mac!

4:04 AM  

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