Monday, March 21, 2005

Western Sydney Club Race

On Sunday, I competed in my second WSMTB (Western Sydney Mountain Bike) Club Race, which is my 4th race overall since I started this experiment of MTB racing about 6 weeks ago. I feel like I'm improving, I guess the wrecks over the last few weeks were part of the Crash Course of Mountian Biking, (all part of pusing ones limits, I suppose.)

The biggest issue, is that I am not very consistent, or intense with my MTB training. Most of my training is shorter than the races, and at a lower intensity. Which is bad combination, given that I still have my competitive streak.

So on this race, I recorded my splits of
34:06 for Lap1 and 34:27 for Lap 2.

(I'll set-up a post with official race results when they are ready)

Which is an overall improvement of about 6 minutes from my first WSMTB Race, 3 weeks ago....which is huge considering I haven't trained a tons [but I guess I did train more than I did for my first 2 races]. ( It also explains, why I thought I was going to die in the parking lot after the race, and why I had to take a nap when I got home, and also why I went to bed at 9pm last night...)

The moral of the story is that I need start training a little more seriously, since I seem to push myself in races...


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