Sunday, June 20, 2004

Nothing Exciting

The strange thing about blogging is what to write when nothing exciting happens. Since I'm bloggin for a specific audience, (i.e. friends and family) I feel like I should write something, just to communicate, but on the other hand I fear this will turn into an incredible boring recount of time case anyone is reading I'll just recount the events of a largely stereo typical week of mine.

Last week I went to a bar-b-queue (or Braai (pronounced "bry") in south African parlance) with some friends whose parents have a place at Palm Beach, which is the northern most beach of Sydneys Northern Beaches. (where as I live in Manly which is the southern most Northern Beach). On the afternoon of the braai, Chris took me out on his sail boat. Which was fun, we didn't sail as there was no wind. I think this was the second time I've actually been on a sail boat. So it was pretty cool even to motor around Pittwater, which is the body of water between the peninsula of the Northern Beaches and the mainland. It is a very gorgeous area. On one side you have the peninsula, etc and on the mainland is Ku-rin-gai national park, so there is almost no development on the water front land, just hills and trees. Here is a pretty good little map of the Northern Beaches.

Nothern Beaches

The main event of the braai other than the food & drinks, of which there were copious amounts, was test rugby. (Which is Rugby league not Rugby union and is a series of international matches between Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, England, South Africa, Ireland, Wales and Argentina) I'm not sure how they pair off, but we watched Oz-Scotland, England-NZ, and Ireland-SA play. It was fun because there were basically 6 people there which consisted of 3 Australians, 1 Brit, 1 South African and 1 American. So most people had a strong reason to barrick for a team (to root in Australia is sometimes offensive term for a sexual act, as in "root like rabbits", so to root for a team, would be a sign of support, its not the average way to cheer for a team)...back to my point, it was fun to watch international events where people had ties to other countries. It has also raised my intrigue of watching the Olympics from overseas, where I anticipate it will be a pretty cool experience to be such international crowds.

Other than, work, yes I did move to Australia for work, unfortunately. Has been very busy and will be very busy for the next couple months. The last couple of weeks, I"m back to working about the same number of hours as I was in NY, so that's not a good thing. I'm trying to pare it down to more reasonable numbers. On the bright side, however, on the weekends, I'm 7 minutes from the beach, 3 minutes from the waterfront, and a 15 minute bike ride from good mountain biking, so recreation is much more accessible.

On the downside, my surfing has taken a bit of hiatus, as the ocean is broken. The Pacific right now is worlds biggest lake, a few mornings I've checked the surf reports to try to some water time before work, and it has pretty much been glass. Very disappointing.

I hope this post hasn't bored too many people, but it seems like my life is mainly going to be work, work, work for the next couple weeks. Hopefully some exciting news, or interesting thoughts will manifest themselves in that time.


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