Sunday, May 16, 2004

First Trail Ride

Last week I bought my first mountain bike. (I know growing up in Montana and not getting a mountain bike until your 30 should be against the law. I guess I'm an abomination in the eyes of Montana, but that's what happened.) Anyway I bought a GT Avalanche 0.0, and today I took it out to Manly Dam for its first trail ride. (and mine really for that matter)

I discovered three things:
1) that I am not yet an intermediate level mountian biker.
2) what intermediate technical really means. (or that my guide book does not sand bag its ratings)
3) how out of shape I am.

The trail I rode was the Circuit Trail at Manly Dam, it definitely has technical sections, for the most part is fun, but in those intermediate technical sections I managed to go over the handle bars (no worries mom, I was able to bail and land on my feet), hit a tree (thought I ducking enough to clear the branch, but it turned out to be not quite low enough), and had to walk up and down a few very steep incline/declines. (better to walk and ride another day, then fly and have broken bones).

I actually blame going over the handle bars on two things, one being too cautious, and two, the front wheel brake being controlled by my right hand (now it may be the case that I haven't been on a bike in a long time, but I really think my right hand is suppose to control the rear brake.)

Other than the the few times I felt like was in over my head it was very fun, and to be honest I thought I did pretty well for my first technical trail ride. There are few riding areas in the Nothern Beaches, and I hope to hit one of them a weekend. Hopefully soon I will be a legitamate intermediate level biker. I'm sure the next time I'm on this trail it will be much better as I'll know where I'm going (a little bit).

Can't wait to see what I feel like tomorrow after realizing how out of shape I am. May not be able to walk.

It's good for me I suppose.


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