Saturday, June 26, 2004

The Joy of Ice Cream

I always pass this ice cream parlor when I'm strolling around Manly and usually comment to myself that it looks pretty good and that I need to make a point of stopping in some day (and I've heard rumors of its its greatness). It does not disappoint, If anyone makes to Manly, it is a MUST VISIT...It is outstanding.

So here's the scoop: (Pun intended) It is a place called Cold Rock Creamery. They make their own ice-cream which is very good. But the cool thing about Cold Rock, is that they have a huge slab of marble that is ice-cold (hence the name-sake) but they "fold-in" extras to their ice-cream. So today I had a chocolate ice-cream with cookie dough. So they scoop out some ice cream and put in on the cold marble and sort of flatten it out. Then they take your extra (in this case actually cookie dough) and fold it in the ice cream with these metal spatula/spoon type things, chopping up the extras as they fold it in. When they are done folding in the "extras" they work the ice-cream back into a ball shape and put it in a cup or a cone for you.

It is sensational!


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