Thursday, June 09, 2005

Darn my mother!!!

This morning I had the lovely experience of having my first semi-servious allergy attack. I've had one pretty bad bout with hayfever, itchy eyes etc, just minor discomfort, nothing 2 benedryl over the counter wouldn't handle, but today, I was treated to an allergic reaction in which about 60-70% of my body was covered with Hives. Very Itchy!!!! Its also fun to wake up with almost your entire body ithcy.

Anyway, we have a medical office on location here, so I went down and saw the doctor first thing in the morning. He gave me oral benedryl and a shot of another anti-histamine (not sure of the name). Most of the symptoms were gone with the hour of having the shot.

I've decided this was a reaction to the scallops I had last night for dinner. Which is too bad, b/c I like scallops, and I've never had any issues with Shell Fish. (maybe it was just the NY shell fish as I've had scallops in Australia within the last year without issue)

My mother has had allergy issues for a long time, so I'm deciding to blame this one her...


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