Sunday, June 12, 2005

Here is the proof

I recently claimed my mother tried to kill me by passing down unspecified alergies to me...well now there is photographic evidience...

Go to my yahoo photo album

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Darn my mother!!!

This morning I had the lovely experience of having my first semi-servious allergy attack. I've had one pretty bad bout with hayfever, itchy eyes etc, just minor discomfort, nothing 2 benedryl over the counter wouldn't handle, but today, I was treated to an allergic reaction in which about 60-70% of my body was covered with Hives. Very Itchy!!!! Its also fun to wake up with almost your entire body ithcy.

Anyway, we have a medical office on location here, so I went down and saw the doctor first thing in the morning. He gave me oral benedryl and a shot of another anti-histamine (not sure of the name). Most of the symptoms were gone with the hour of having the shot.

I've decided this was a reaction to the scallops I had last night for dinner. Which is too bad, b/c I like scallops, and I've never had any issues with Shell Fish. (maybe it was just the NY shell fish as I've had scallops in Australia within the last year without issue)

My mother has had allergy issues for a long time, so I'm deciding to blame this one her...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Indie Yuppies...You might be an Indie Yuppie if

I saw an article on Indie Yuppies a few days ago ( here is the link) and I was discussing this with my friend Yuki at work, mostly trying to ensure that we were not included in anything as mainstream as being an Indie Yuppie. (Sad to say, but I feel we are closer to being included in the lastest and greatest Yuppie group.)...Anyway a few days later, Yuki, came up with a "You might be an Indie Yuppie if..." list, which I thought was very funny. He has not gotten around to posting it, so I figured I'd publish it for him.

You might be an indie yuppie if...

You do not have any roommates.
You have a cable TV subscription.
You despise MTV.
You have watched an episode of "Apprentice".
You own an MP3 player.
That MP3 player is an iPod.
You have made an international call on your cell phone.
Then you expensed it.
You have spent more than $10 on a single drink.
Then you expensed it.
You do not buy tickets to live performances, you pay cover charges or else there is a minimum drink.
The live performances you attend are not called "concerts", they are called "gigs".
You have downloaded music performed by artists you never heard of.
You have tried to convince your coworkers to download songs of artists they have never heard of.
You can tell the meaning of the term "Capital Gain" without having to consult a financial dictionary.
You have owned a financial dictionary or have hired a financial consultant.
You have hired an accountant and/or an attorney.
You have a health insurance.
And 401(k).
You have stayed at work past 3am.
You have stayed at a bar past 3am.
You know ticker symbols of companies whose shares you never owned.
You know someone who knows someone in "the business".
"The business" is not "the industry" you are in.
"The industry" is one of Finance or Technology.
Most of the songs you own belong to more than one genre.
Genre is merely a suggestion to you.

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