Saturday, November 20, 2004

Giving up on something Aussie

Last weekend I went for a moutain bike ride, I've been progressiong pretty good, and would consider myself an intermediate level rider. I'm starting to ride more aggressively and attempting to take technical terrain wiht more speed. Up until now, I've left my brakes in "Aussie" style, which means your left hand controls the back brake and your right hand the front. After 2 relatively high speed stacks (i.e. wrecks), which both include superman flying over the handle bar dismounts, i've decided that at high speeds, you resort to the instincts you've honed as a child. And for me, that includes my right hand brake should control the back wheel. I've given it a good 3-4 months to get comfortable with the right hand controlling the front brake...but alas, 3 months was unable to un-learn 20 years of habit; so i'm giving up on "Aussie style brakes" ...I've cut my grips off and flip my brake levers, back to my customary left hand is the front brake...we'll see how confused I get on my next ride (hopefully I'll be able to switch back )

I'll be in NYC from Nov 29 to Dec 10. It will be my first time back in the city since I've left 1 year and 12 days later. I'll be intrigued to see how I feel about the big apple after a year away. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and colleauges (this is biz trip.) I'm also looking forward to a little proper cold weather and good christmas decorations. Australia, although beautiful, doesn't do christmas properly in my mind, I think it that too many people are chilled out at the beach to bother decorating.

With that note, I'll sign off for now.


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